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Tutoring – questions and answers regarding Tcollege and tutoring sessions

Which pupils can Tcollege help?
How individual is the tutoring offered by Tcollege?
How can I register my child?
Where is the place of tutoring?
When is the specific time for tutoring?
Do you need to commit yourself to a prolonged period of time?
Is it also possible to change the tutoring subject at short notice?
Can my child be given tutoring in the holidays?
Do you offer one-to-one tutoring?
What does Tcollege tutoring cost?
What kind of teaching material does Tcollege use?
Is learning progress recorded?
Does Tcollege guarantee provision of the tutoring sessions?
How important is the learning atmosphere for Tcollege?
Are parents and school teachers involved in the learning process?
What is the advantage of small-group lessons?
Do the Tcollege tutoring sessions have any impact on family life?
Does Tcollege also provide trial tutoring?
Please place your cursor over the question.

Learning difficulty involving numbers

Teaching is supported by an award-winning, scientifically proven learning programme (Maths as a system)


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